Collecting Robert Sawyer is in some ways "too easy"; most of his first editions are mass-market paperback. I used to kid (or annoy) him on CompuServe about this, as I prefer to collect hardcovers (and with my eyesight these days, prefer to read as well.) The proofs of his early books, however, are not so easy to find. In fact, Mr. Sawyer knows of no proofs for his award-winning Terminal Experiment, although I did find an "advance reading copy" that was merely the mass-market paperback with a note from the publisher bound in.
His books are now being re-issued as signed-limited editions, which is very welcome indeed. In many cases the first hardcovers are book club editions.
Fleece Aurora Award winner.
I purchased and read this proof before the book was published. I thought it was excellent (and still do.) I had known of Mr. Sawyer from his posts on CompuServe, and he knew of my propensity for collecting signatures; in fact, he was kind enough to obtain several signatures for me at a convention in the Northeast of Canada in mid-1990. He was gracious enough to agree to inscribe and date this proof by mail, especially when I told him I knew he would become a Famous Award-Winning Author (which, of course, he has.) | |
Far-Seer Homer Award winner. |
of an Era Seiun Award winner. |
Frameshift Hugo Award finalist. |
Alien Aurora Award nominee. |
Humanity Hugo Award finalist. |
Flashforward Publisher's Weekly starred review. |
Calculating God
| |
For more information about Robert J. Sawyer, visit
Updated 08 October 2000