These are materials I purchased from Charles Miller, of Underwood-Miller
publishing fame. I received them on Jan 10, 1999. Mr. Miller was kind
enough to provide a signed letter of authentication with each group of
items. I think they illuminate an interesting era in small-press publishing,
just prior to the computer age.
[Tschai] [Big Planet] [The Blue World]
[The Languages of Pao]
[Madouc] [Rhialto
the Marvellous]

An intriguing note. "Two
mysteries"; what could this mean? Is this the genesis of the Planet
of Adventure limited editions? |

This is a montage of four
'postcards' that were to be pasted onto the front covers of the books,
or in the case of the numbered copies, also as the frontispiece. Three
sets were included in the materials. For those of you interested, "Barge
all-purpose cement" was used to attach the cards, according to a
letter from the publisher to the book manufacturer. |

This is one of four 'proof
sets', each containing one full-color image, one very light grey-scale
image, one red image and one green-and-blue image. I would assume these
are "color separations"; more info would be appreciated. Not
shown is the envelope they came in; apparently these were printed in Spain. |

This is one of two postcards
apparently sent with some or all of the first volumes. |
Additional material:
original two-page contracts, "Reprint Agreements" between Tim
Underwood ("publisher") and Jack Vance ("author"),
all four signed by both on April 19, 1977.
pages of correspondence between David Ireland and Tim Underwood regarding
artwork for the books. At one point Tim had planned on two volumes, each
containing two novels. Details about the drawings are discussed, as our
prices and payments. The letters from Tim Underwood are carbon copies.
pages of contracts, estimates and letters to and from Braun-Brumfield,
book manufacturers for City
of the Chasch. The original estimate included 4-color process dust
jackets on all copies. One letter from Tim Underwood compliments them
on the work they did on Fantasms.
invoices from and a copy of a letter to Donald Unger of Monarch Graphics
regarding the "redo" of 49 pages of the first volume, and the
designs for the title pages and spine for the first two books.
pages of invoices and letters regarding the incorrect assembly of the
cards, resulting in a binding delay and wasted materials. Apparently a
lot can go wrong when trying to get a book printed.
customs forms, one from Spain, the other from the United States, apparently
regarding the importation of the card 'proof sets'.
pages of correspondence between Tim Underwood and Tom Nesbitt regarding
line illustrations and possible comic form for some of Vance's work.
8.5" by 11" sheets of illustrations; not originals, but nicely
printed. One is from City
of the Chasch,
the other two are the two sides of the map of Tschai, pasted onto graph paper with alignment holes at top and
One limitation page signed by Vance and David Ireland, with
the number left blank.
Three single-color frontispiece illustrations
Big Planet

A single sheet on semi-glossy
paper describing the upcoming publication of the limited edition.
A half-tone rendering of the cover artwork is printed on
the reverse side. This copy has been tri-folded. |

Two copies of the limitation pages, each signed but not
numbered. (Partial view.) |

A single 8.5" by 11" sheet containing information
about the numbered editions. This sheet was folded once and inserted into
the books. This sheet has not been folded. (Partial view.) |
Additional material:
oversize postcard signed from Michael Moorcock, undated (11p postage airmail
from U.K.), commenting on the fine production of Big
and the bibliography.
brief TLS from Michael Moorcock, apparently sent with a private press publication mentioned
in the postcard.
A flat-folded
dust jacket.
The Blue World
separations (3 sheets stapled together) for the dust jacket artwork.
negative for the frontispiece artwork.
single-page TLS of correspondence between Tim Underwood and Cathy Hill,
the artist for the dust jacket and frontispiece, dated between April and June 1979, and detailing the financial
arrangements and artwork specifications. Ms. Hill apparently had less
than a month to prepare both pieces. The letters from Tim are xerox copies.
Interestingly, some of the copies were made on the back of used paper;
in this case, one is a layout of the title page of the 1978 Vance bibliography
by Daniel Levack and Tim Underwood, containing handwritten annotations
regarding the font sizes and styles.
confirming order dated April 13, 1979 from Braun-Brumfield, book manufacturers,
verifying the receipt of camera-ready copy and a signed estimate for The
Blue World
and The
Languages of Pao.
A flat-folded
dust jacket.
The Languages of Pao

A typewritten sheet indicating
the important aspects of Pao geography. Many places are checkmarked, but
then others are not. A few other places are listed in pencil on the reverse.
There's no indication of who might have used this list. |
Additional material:
An original
single-page contract, "Reprint Agreement" between Tim Underwood
and Jack Vance, signed by both on June 1, 1979.
typed letters, correspondence between artist Joe Pearson and Tim Underwood
regarding payment for the reprint rights for the cover and frontispiece
check for a payment refund.
A flat-folded
dust jacket.
Showboat World
single-page ALS from Ned Dameron (jacket art) regarding payment for artwork,
and personal messages.
A four-page
typed letter dated June 7 1981 from Margaret W. Howes to Tim Underwood
detailing discrepencies between the original published map and the text
of the story, with corrections to the map in red ink.
A single
page typed letter dated August 17 1981 from Margaret W. Howes expressing
delight at having her map used for the Underwood-Miller edition, along
with a full-sized corrected map.
looks to be the paste-up of the map for the book, with margins and page information
written in ink along the edges. Includes a credit for Howes. Dreams can
come true!
A flat-folded
sample of the dust jacket.
A single-page
ALS from Norma Vance dated January 28, 1982, containing personal and financial

One of three loose signed
limitation pages, this one from the lettered edition. The other two were
for the numbered edition. |
Additional material:
TLS dated 1989 and 1990 from the publishing director of Grafton Books
to Chuck Miller regarding the use by Grafton of the camera-ready pages.
Also included is the personal order of the leather editions by the director;
evidently a Vance fan.
A copy
of a single-page confirming the book order from Donnelley & Sons Company;
1500 copies on 50# 426 Penntech Blue/White paper, with the deletion of
"First edition - 650 copies" from the copyright page. Slipcase
is Kenneth Emerald cloth with Permalin Fern Antique endsheets.
copy of an interoffice memorandum regarding increasing the book order
to 2000 copies.
page typed text of the dust jacket copy, with extensive ink annotations
regarding fonts and layout.
A flat-folded
dust jacket.
Rhialto the Marvellous
pieces of what looks like camera-ready artwork for interior illustrations
(and gorgeous.)
An autograph
statement (invoice) from Stephen E. Fabian to Underwood Miller for "19
pages of interior art plus color transparency of wrap-around dust jacket
painting", dated 4/10/84 and signed.
envelope postmarked 16 Apr 1984 from Stephen Fabian to Tim Underwood,
with "Photos, Do Not Bend" written in ink on the front (alas,
the photos are not present.)
pages of correspondence (two signed by Stepehen Fabian) discussing the
artwork requirements in some detail, dated 12/29/83, 3/11/84 and 4/15/84.
A flat-folded
dust jacket.

One of two copies of the
cards mailed to those who had ordered copies of Cugel's
reassuring them that their order was not forgotten. The reason
for the delay is given that "Vance made a few small changes in the
text, so our edition will be definitive." It also mentions the upcoming
The Marvellous. |

The Sixth World Fantasy
Convention Pocket Program. Twelve pages saddle-stitched. Judging by the
guest list, that must've been quite a convention. The only scheduled event
with Vance was Saturday Nov 1st (1980), 11am-12noon, "Jack Vance
interviewed by Charles N. Brown." Chairmen for the event were Chuck
Miller and Tim Underwood. Two copies. Laid into each copy is a business
card that says "Sixth World Fantasy Convention", with the same
artwork as the front cover. |

Portfolio by Stephen E. Fabian. Subtitled "Crystal of a Hundred
Dreams", published in 1979 by Underwood/Miller. This is an eight-page
saddle-stitched chapbook containing a four page listing of plates, with
descriptions. I assume the plates were loose; any info appreciated. Two
copies. |

What appears to be camera-ready artwork. Please let me know
what book this appeared in. |
Additional material:
check from Chuck Miller payable to Jack Vance, dated April 13, 1987, signed
by both.
check from Tim Underwood to artist George Barr, dated 10-11-1980, signed
by both.
check from Tim Underwood to David Russell, dated 12-31-1980, signed by
cardboard inserts for the signed and limited edition of The
Last Castle,
signed by artist Alicia Austin.
cardboard inserts for the signed and limited edition of Morreion,
signed by artist Stephen E. Fabian.
copies of "The Song of the Darsh" broadsides on rag paper,
laid into the signed and numbered copies of The
by 10.5" stiff, green, textured paper with a map of The Elder Isles printed on it. This is the same map as used
for endpapers in the Lyonesse books, but the sheet
is larger (1" margins all around), and the endpapers are not textured.
Two copies.
15" by 10.3"
print on textured paper of the dust jacket art for Cugel's
The paper is the same as used for the dust jacket, but the artwork was
apparently cropped to fit the jacket. Two copies.
Last updated 15 Jan 1999
In case you are wondering (and you should be), these materials
are now stored in buffered (acid-neutralized) file folders. I am willing
to provide information about the content of the unscanned material for
valid research purposes. Contact me at
If you are one of the artists mentioned here, I would be pleased to receive
permission to post scans of your artwork.
Page contents copyright ©1999 by Mike Berro. All rights
Do not copy or link to any
images or text on this website without explicit permission (which will
likely be granted.)